Thursday, July 31, 2008


"It's crazy….. a new event happened.... for the first time in my mission, and in a long time in my life, I yelled at someone. We were teaching a family that is amazing, but they live in a house behind the house of their parents, and their parents are of another faith. We knocked on the door to set an appointment and the Grandpa answered and oohhh booyyy."

"He came out and started shouting and said, "You’re the Mormons, right???" We said "Yep!" .. he said , "Just the people I want to talk to", "This house is (another faith), my son is (another faith) and married and baptized (in this other faith), and he doesn’t want anything to do with you guys". (He is talking about his son and his wife that were expecting us)

He said, "I am the owner of this house and you will never again return here and bother us". "I am the owner of this house", and I said, "Are you the owner of them?" (not yelling yet) and he yelled, "Yes!" and I yelled, "Are you the owner of their salvation!?!" and he yelled, "YES!", and we yelled a little back and forth and then I realized I was kinda shouting loud, and ya, he left and we left, and ya .. it will never happen again."

"I shouldn’t have yelled, but I did……."

Es tan loco...un nuevo suceso ha pasado… por primera vez en mi misión, y por un largo tiempo en mi vida, Grité a alguien. Estábamos enseñando a una familia que es sorprendente, pero ellos viven al lado de la casa de sus padres y sus padres son de otra fe. Tocamos la puerta para llamar a alguien y el abuelo contestó y OHH NO.
Él salió y comenzó a gritar y a decir: ¿Ustedes son los mormones verdad? Entonces nosotros dijimos SIP..él dijo esta casa es (de otra fe), mi hijo es (de otra fe) además es casado y bautizado en (esta otra fe) y él no quiere hacer nada con ustedes chicos. (él estaba hablando de su hijo y de su esposa que estaban esperándonos).
Él dijo: Soy el dueño de esta casa y ustedes no vendrán nunca más a aquí a hermanarnos. “Soy el dueño de esta casa” y yo dije: ¿Es es dueño de ellos? (sin gritar aún) y él gritó, “SI”, y yo grité; ¿Es el dueño de sus salvaciones? Y él gritó “SI”, y estábamos gritándonos el uno al otro un poco hasta que llegamos a gritar muy fuerte, luego él se fue y nosotros también. Eso nunca más pasará.
“No debí gritar…..pero lo hice”

Português/ Portuguese
É tão novo acontecimento tem passado... por primeira vez em minha missão, e por um longe tempo em minha vida, gritei a alguém. Estávamos ensinando a uma família que é surpreendente, porém eles vivem ao lado da casa de seus papais e seus papais são de outra fé. Tocamos a porta para chamar a alguém e o avó contestou e OHH Não.
Ele saiu e começou a gritar e dizer: Vocês são os mórmons verdade? Então nós dissemos SIM...ele disse esta casa é (de outra fé), o meu filho é (de outra fé) ademais é casado e batizado em (esta outra fé) e ele não quer fazer nada com vocês garotos. (ele estava falando do seu filho e da sua esposa que estavam esperando-nos).
Ele disse: Sou dono de esta casa e vocês não verão nunca mais aqui irmanar-los. ”Sou o dono de esta casa” e eu disse: É você dono deles? (sem ainda gritar) y ele gritou, “SIM”, e eu gritei; É você dono das suas salvações? E ele gritou “SIM”, e estávamos gritando-nos os dois até que chegamos a gritar muito forte, logo ele se foi e nós também. Isso nunca mais passará.
“Não devi gritar...mas o fiz”

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More interesting food

"This week I ate two things I have never eaten in my life. I ate clams and octopus. I ate two different kinds of clams and the octopus wasn’t too bad, haha.. it was good. This week has been filled with seafood."

Note from mom: You would think that Landon might have had clam chowder growing up, but he never did. Anyway, I don't think these clams would be your typical American clam chowder :)

Más comidas interesantes:
“En esta semana comí dos cosas que nunca pensé comer en mi vida. Comí calamar y pulpo. Comí dos tipos diferentes de almejas pero el pulpo no estuvo nada mal jajaja… estaba bueno. Esta semana ha estado llena de comida marina”
Nota para mamá: Pensarías que Landon habría crecido con chupe de almejas, pero él no lo hizo, de todos modos, no creo que estas almejas serían para hacer el típico chupe americano.

Mais comidas interessantes:
“Nesta semana comi duas coisas que nunca pensei comer em minha vida. Comi lula e polvo. Comi dois tipos diferentes de ameijoas, mas o polvo não esteve nada mal jajaja...estava bom. Esta semana tem estado enche de comida marina”
Nota para mamai: Pensaria você que Landon tem crescido com sopa de ameijoas, porém ele não o fiz, de todos os modos, não creio que estas ameijoas seriam para fazer uma sopa americana.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Better Week

This week wasn’t any better in success or numbers.. but overall it was better. We had better lessons, we sang and prayed in every lesson, and let's just say I'm a singing man now. I never thought I would like to sing, but it's ok, haha.

We're for sure seeing the hand of Satan in the work. With all the effort of getting a Stake here in Tarapoto, Satan is for sure working hard. But I was thinking, "Does God let Satan work on us??" Good question, huh? We are for sure being tested.. us… the members… the leaders… the investigators, everyone. In all sorts of ways.

We have people that we are teaching, but nobody is progressing. We didn’t have anyone of our investigators attend the church.. we don't have any baptisms coming up, and it’s a tough time right now, but it will get better. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. Thanks for your words of encouragement. I need all I can get right now. Dad, Thanks for your advice. It's always the best. You’re the hardest worker I know, and I will work like that in my mission.

One thing that is going better is our companionship. It's going good now. We aren't butting heads anymore, we're actual friends. It's going better. We're not being prideful anymore.

I love you all. Take care…

Una semana mejor

Esta semana no fue tan buena en éxito o números… pero a pesar de todo fue buena. Tuvimos mejores lecciones, cantamos y oramos en cada lección y digamos que estoy cantando ahora, nunca pensé que me gustaría cantar, pero está bien jajaja.
Estamos seguros que Satanás está metiendo su mano en esta obra. Con todo el esfuerzo de ser una Estaca acá en Tarapoto. Satanás de seguro está trabajando muchísimo. Pero me puse a pensar, ¿Dios deja a Satanás obrar en nosotros? Buena pregunta ¿no? Estamos de seguro siendo probados, nosotros, los miembros, los líderes, los investigadores y cada uno de nosotros, de cualquier tipo y maneras.
Tenemos personas a las cuales estamos enseñando, pero nadie está progresando. No tuvimos a ninguno de nuestros investigadores en la capilla, no tenemos ningún bautismo que esté cerca, y es un tiempo duro ahora, pero mejorará. Gracias por todas sus oraciones y pensamientos, gracias por tus palabras de aliento, necesito todo lo que pueda conseguir ahora. Papá, gracias por tus consejos, son siempre los mejores, eres el más trabajador y lo sé, y trabajaré así en mi misión.
Una cosa que está yendo mejor es nuestro compañerismo. Está todo bien ahora. No estamos teniendo problemas de ningún tipo. Somos amigos ahora. Está bien, ya no estamos molestándonos.
Amo todo y cuídense mucho.


Uma semana melhor
Esta semana não foi tão boa em êxito ou números...pero a pesar de todo foi boa. Tivemos melhores lições, cantamos e oramos em cada lição e digamos que estou cantando agora, nunca pensei que eu gostaria cantar, pero está bem jajaja.
Estamos seguros que Satanás está metendo sua mão nesta obra. Com todo o esforço de ser uma Estaca cá em Tarapoto. Satanás de seguro está trabalhando muito. Pero estava pensando, Deus deixa que Satanás obre em nós? Boa pergunta verdade? Estamos de seguro sendo provados, nós, os membros, os líderes, os investigadores e cada um de nós, de qualquer tipo e maneiras.
Temos pessoas às quais estamos ensinando, pero ninguém está progredindo. Não tivemos a nenhum de nossos investigadores na capela, não temos nenhum batismo que está cerca, e é um tempo muito difícil agora, mas melhorará. Graças por todas suas orações e pensamentos, graças por suas palavras de fôlego, preciso tudo o que possa conseguir agora. Papai, graças por seus conselhos, são sempre os melhores, você é o mais trabalhador e eu o sei, trabalharei como você em minha missão.
Uma coisa que está melhorando é nosso companheirismo. Está tudo bem agora. Não estamos tendo problemas de nenhum tipo. Somos amigos agora. Está bem, já não estamos incomodando-nos.
Amo tudo e se cuidam muito.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Tarapoto apartment continued.........

At the Peru Parents Party we had last week, I was asked about the bathroom situation in Landon's apartment. The video I had posted a few days ago didn't show it, and they were afraid it would be like his FIRST apartment........


But I am happy to say that it is MUCHO better :) Check out this second video.

El apartamento de Tarapoto continúa………
En la fiesta que tuvimos la semana pasada, estuve preguntando sobre la situación del baño en el apartamento de Landon. El vídeo que colgué unos días antes no lo mostró, y estaban un poco preocupados, sería como este primer apartamento….
Pero Estoy feliz de decir que está mucho mejor ….Chequea este segundo vídeo.


O apartamento de Tarapoto continua.....
Na festa que tivemos a semana passada, estive perguntando sob a situação do banho no apartamento de Landon. O vídeo que carreguei no internet uns dias antes não o mostrou, e estavam um pouco preocupados, seria como este primeiro apartamento.....
Mas estou feliz de dizer que está muito melhor ....faça um check-up a este segundo vídeo.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Lesson

"You all probably don't have a problem with this, it's just something that I want to help everyone with. In the church, be reverent.. Don't talk during the talks in sacrament meeting.. Listen and pay attention and learn.. Be as reverent as you can be..... Don't play, just read the scriptures and listen and the same goes in the classroom... Participate and learn and things will go alot better..."

Lecciones Dominicales
“Tú quizás no tengas un problema con esto, es algo con lo que quiero ayudar a los demás. En la iglesia, ser reverente.. No hablar durante los mensajes en la reunión sacramental.. Escucha, pon atención y aprende. Se tan reverente como puedas…. No juegues, sólo lee las escrituras y escucha; lo mismo es para los salones…Participa y aprende y las cosas mejorarán”

Lições dominicais
“Você talvez não tenha um problema com isto, é algo com o que quero ajudar aos demais. Na igreja, ser reverente... Não falar durante as mensagens na reunião sacramental...Escute, ponha atenção e aprenda. Sê tão reverente como você possa... Não jogue, só lê as escrituras e escute; o mesmo é para os salões...Participe e aprenda e as coisas melhoraram”

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Odds & Ends...............

When we went to internet last week, there was a white family and I tried to speak English with them and it was hard!!! Let's just say it will be really really hard when I come home. You will have to help me speak English while I help you speak
The zoo was good last week. It wasn't what I expected. We saw monkeys and a mountain cow, haha, and giant rats. That was cool, but the coolest part was when Elder Foutz got bit by a HUGE ant called "Siquesapa" - It was hilarious. He was jumping up and down, but it wasn't that painful - no worries...

Probabilidades y extremos
Cuando nos fuimos a internet la semana pasada, Hubo una familia norteamericana y traté de hablarles en inglés y fue ¡¡difícil!!..Digamos que sólo será requete-archi-difícil cuando regrese a casa. Me tendrás que ayudar con mi inglés y yo te ayudaré con el español.
Todo está bien aquí, No hace mucho calor, realmente está siendo un poquito fresco en las noches…helado, bueno no helado, pero para mí si, porque suelo estar más caliente jajajaja. Estoy usando camisas con manga larga los domingos, y me da muchísimo calor, estoy sudando siempre, pero estoy acostumbrado.
El zoológico estuvo bueno la semana pasada, no fue lo que esperaba, vimos monos y vacas jajaj y ratas gigantes, ¡fue tan chévere!, pero lo más chévere fue que A Élder Foutz le mordió una hormiga enorme llamada “Mamaco”, fue tan chistoso, él estuvo saltando de arriba hacia a bajo, pero la hormiga no lo lastimó, así que no se preocupen.

Probabilidades e extremos
Quando nós fomos à internet a semana passada, Houve uma família de Norte América e tentei de falar com eles em inglês e foi difícil!...Digamos que só será tão difícil quando volte a casa. Você me terá que ajudar com meu inglês e eu vou ajudar a você com o espanhol.
Tudo está bem aqui, Não faz muito calor, realmente está sendo um pouco frio nas noites...gelado, bom não gelado, porém pra mim é assim, porque costumo estar mais esquentado jajajaja. Estou usando camisas com manga comprida os domingos, e me da muito calor, estou suando sempre, mas estou acostumado.
O zoológico esteve bom a semana passada, não foi o que esperava, vimos macacos e vacas jajaja e ratas gigantes, foi muito divertido!, Mas o mais divertido foi que Élder Foutz foi mordido por uma formiga enorme chamada “Mamaco”, foi tão divertido, ele esteve saltando de arriba para baixo, mas a formiga não o lastimou, assim que não preocupem-se.

Friday, July 25, 2008

While the kids are away...........

........the parents will play !

We had a great get together at Dickson Farm in Morgan, Utah yesterday. Thank you so much for coming. We hope to make this an annual event - even AFTER our Elders get home, so if we missed you this year, plan on NEXT YEAR - the Saturday BEFORE the 24th of July. Check out the pics here.
Mientras los chicos están fuera…………
………..¡Sus padres jugarán!
Estuvimos juntos en la Granja Dickson en Morgan, Utah ayer. Muchas gracias por venir, Ansiamos hacer de esto un evento anual, incluso después que nuestros Élderes estén de vuelta en casa, así que si perdiste este año, planéalo para el año próximo, un sábado antes del 24 de Julio. Mira las fotos.

Enquanto os meninos estão fora............
................Seus pais jogarão!
Estivemos juntos na Granja Dickson em Morgan, Utah ontem. Muito abrigado por vir, Nós queremos fazer de isto um evento anual, inclusive depois que nossos Élderes estejam de volta em casa, assim que se perdeste este ano, programe-o, para o próximo, um sábado antes do 24 de julho. Mire as fotos.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Wise Man Built His House Upon A Rock

"We did some service this past week, helping tear down a house and build a new one. There were like 7 of us, and we worked for an hour and a half. Unfortunately, we didn't get much done. It will probably take about 4 days to complete it. It made me miss working at the property and on the farm with my Dad. Haulin' hay, ridin' on the tractor... I was like, "Look for something to do, organize stuff, pick up trash, help out". I am proud to have been raised by parents, and in a family who knows how to work. We have a name for working, and I love it. I love you Dad... thanks for everything."

El hombre sabio construye su casa sobre una roca
Hicimos un poco de servicio la semana pasada, ayudando a derribar una casa y construir una nueva. Hubo como 7 de nosotros, y trabajamos por una hora y media. Desafortunadamente no hicimos mucho, probablemente tomará 4 días para terminar de construir la casa. Me hizo recordar cuando trabajaba en nuestra propiedad y en la granja con mi papá. El remolque, manejando el tractor…estaba como; “Buscando algo que hacer, organizar cosas, recoger la basura, ayudar” Estoy muy orgulloso de haber crecido con padres y con una familia que sabe cómo trabajar, sé que tenemos un nombre para el trabajo y me gusta mucho. Te amo mucho papá…..Gracias por todo.

O home sábio constrói sua casa sob uma rocha
Fizemos um pouco de serviço a semana passada, ajudando a derrubar uma casa e construir uma nova, Havia como 7 de nós, e trabalhamos por uma hora e media. Desafortunadamente não fizemos muito, provavelmente tomará 4 dias para terminar de construir a casa. Me fez lembrar quando trabalhava em nossa propriedade e na granja com meu pai. O reboque, manejando o trator...estava como, “Procurando algo que fazer, organizar coisas, recolher o lixo, ajudar” Estou muito orgulhoso de haver crescido com pais e com uma família que sabe como trabalhar, sei que temos um nome pra o trabalho e gosto muito de isso. Amo-te muito pai....Muito obrigado por tudo.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gulp !

"We ate a lunch yesterday, and for the first time in my life I ate chicken feet. They served us rice and chicken feet. You put it in your mouth and suck and chew the meat and fat off the bone, and then spit the bone out."


Comimos un almuerzo ayer, que por primera vez en mi vida comí patitas de pollo, nos sirvieron con arroz y patitas de pollo. Lo pones en tu boda y chupas y sacas la carne de los huesillos y luego tiras los huesillos.


Comemos um almoço ontem, que por primeira vez na minha vida comi pé-de-galinha, nos servirem com arroz e pé-de-galinha. O pões em sua boca e chupa e saca a carne dos ossos e logo lança os ossos pra fora.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The work goes on........

"Well family and friends... I'm here in Tarapoto and it's going good... We are working... We have a matrimony (marriage) and baptism set for this end of week and it should be good. A family - so I'm excited for that. They have so much faith. They recently moved from Tarapoto to Picota, which is like an hour away in car. Every end of week (weekend) they will be coming back until they get married and baptized and Carlos (the dad?) has the priesthood, then from there they will stay in Picota until the Stake comes here in December, and the church hopefully will expand out to them."

"We have more families to teach, but they aren't progressing as fast as I would like them to. I have to be patient. I thought I was a patient person, but I learned and am learning, that there are many levels of patience with yourself and others. This week I'm working on humility. All is well here. I'm good of health and I'm ready to finish up the work here in Tarapoto."

"We're planning to have a month of perfection in August, so pray for us. A month of perfection is a baptism every week, with 5 invites in the church, and 15 lessons with and without members. It's tough, but we are going to do it. I'm learning so much and I love the scriptures. This is preparing me for my life with my own family and for my life eternal with my Lord. I love this work. Take care everyone, love Elder Landon Lee Rich

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Proclaiming the Gospel

"Behold, verily I say unto you, that it is my will that you should proclaim my gospel from land to land, and from city to city, yea, in those regions round about where it has not been proclaimed." - Doctrine & Covenants 66:5

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mountains like Morgan

I mentioned to Landon in a previous email, that I thought the mountains near Tarapoto looked alot like "Utah" mountains.

He agreed, until you get "up close and personal".

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Straight and Narrow

"Strive hard to stay on the right path, especially with families. Satan attacks first in the families before anything else... always remember that.. Stay close to your Father in heaven... the world is a changing place with changing morals... we need to be steadfast and steady in our spots, and overcome Satan in all we can... pray...... read.. and go to church..." - Elder Landon Lee Rich

"Remember, Remember, keep your eye on the Plan. This is all a part of that Plan. Use your agency to draw closer to Him. You are far strong. You are valiant. You are steadfast and immovable in your faith. You are His and He is with you. Live up to who you REALLY are" - Stephanie Waite

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Faith Precedes the Miracle

For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith. Ether 12:12

Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope. Moroni 7:42

"It will be good. We're going to put some new things into work and it will be better. We will have exito (success) in August. It will be good."

I'm glad Landon has faith.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bad Night

"I have been so lucky and healthy throughout all my mission and finally, 8 months 24 days and 3 hours since I was set apart, for the first time in my mission.... after eating all sorts of things and everything, I was sick!!! I was sooo mad haha.. I fell asleep fine, and woke up at midnight and didn't feel too good. I knew I had to throw up, but I couldn't, and finally at 3 in the morning, ohhh booyyy. Then I couldn't sleep all the night and ya.. I was bad all Thursday, but we still worked. I rested a bit and I got a blessing, and I am fine, perfectly fine.. It was the 24 hour flu and now I'm fine..."

"Mom, no worries about me. During my agony in that night, I thought.. "Man, how nice it would be to have my mom here to comfort me and take care of me", haha... Even though I have (am) 20 years old, I still think about you taking care of me. I love you Mom..."

Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm staying Tarapoto

"I'm staying here with Elder Flores for another change. I'm glad I'm staying. I will be here until the end of August. The work here in this area is tough right now, and I'm struggling a little bit. We're not having much success and not many people are progressing, but we're getting there.........things will change, starting today..... We're going to put some new things to work and it will be better. We will have exito (success) in August. It will be good. I hope this change goes better for us. I love you all, please keep praying for me and my companion, and the people we're teaching. The Lord will do the rest..... Thanks for all your words of encouragement. I need them.... I'm having a tough time right now with a few things, but hey, it's life. Things will get better and time will fly. It's the way of the Lord."

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008

Elder Herdt - what a funny guy !

The Sons
Herdt, Rich, Peterson

The Moms

Peterson, Rich, Herdt

"That's so awesome about the get together you guys had with Elder Herdt's family. And also about Elder Herdt being assigned to the mission offices, I didn't know that - that's cool! Good for him (Elder Herdt will be serving as the financial clerk for 6 months). But I'm glad I'm in the field, haha, man it's been awhile and will be awhile till I see all my friends again."

The Herdt family is from Vegas. Elder Herdt entered the MTC the same day as Landon, and they became really good friends, along with Elder Woolf (Texas) and Elder Peterson (Kaysville). We were able to visit with the Herdt's over the 4th of July weekend, at a cabin in the mountains east of Heber City. It was great !

Check out a funny video of crazy Elder Herdt. I can hardly wait to meet that kid :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A letter to my friends

To my fellow classmates and missionaries.... How much I love you, and can't explain.... In all the parts of the world, speaking more than 5 different languages.. How great is this work!

This past weekend was the day Joseph Smith was martyred. Doing what? The same work we are doing today. We should work every day like he worked his whole life.

I'm having the best time in my life right now, and I can't believe most of you have one year or will be returning soon. It's crazy, only two changes more, and I will have a year.

Remember we're being blessed. We need to work hard and be obedient and the Lord will provide the way...... I love you all.... I love this work and I love my Savior, and He is with us as we walk... take care... from Tarapoto, Peru.....Elder Landon Lee Rich

Who is he writing this letter to? Check it out here.

Lunch with Members

"We have started eating lunch in the homes of the members.. It's been interesting so far. To start off, the first meal of the month..... cow stomach, haha. Well, I starting eating it, and I knew it wasn't meat, and I thought it was cow stomach, but I didn't say anything, because if I let it get to my mind, I might throw up... But I was surprised.. You couldn't really taste the difference, there was vegetables and rice and cow stomach and it all tasted the same, and it was good.

We have also had arroz choufa (fried rice), a soup called inchicapi, gabo tuvimos, papa la hauncayina,lomo saltados, and bistek wtih pure y arroz. It's been good.... It's helping the members alot... "

From Elder Woolf's email: "It’s a great blessing for us and the members. They can receive the blessings of service and sacrifice. And we can get to know them better so that we can work as a team."

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Today is Paro Nacional in Tarapoto

No one is working today - not even the missionaries !

This is a day of "unemployment" that is observed every year.

“A force measurement to emphasize the change of the economic policy, fights against the rise of the life cost, general increase of pays, wages and pensions, the cease of the repression and violence against the workers, the cease of the privatizations, unrestricted defense of the natural resources, attention to the agrarian agenda, attention to the social security, solution to the problems of workers.”

Gabo reports that all shops, schools and roads are closed. Everyone walks to where they need to go. I guess the missionaries will get a lot of studying done today !

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Don't worry

The latest earthquake in Peru is no where near Landon.

Working Hard and Learning Much

This past week has been good…. I learned a lot and I'm working hard... You won't recognize me when I get home, I'm learning so much.

This change (6 week period) in Tarapoto is slow - but fast. Let me explain.... it's fast because, wow - next time I email I will let you guys know the change (where he's going next), but slow because the work is kinda slow.. We find new people to teach every day, but they don't progress. I'm working hard, but right now we're not having success in baptizing, but we're spreading the gospel to hundreds of people every week.. Teaching them about the restored gospel....

The people are great... I love the members, and I have such good friends here.. Gabo, Marco, and all the members. I love Spanish. I love speaking it, but I have to get better. Right now I can speak fluently, but my grammar, well that's a different matter. But I will get better. I can understand everything, and I can respond good. I don't sound like a white guy speaking Spanish, so that's good. I sound like a Latin, so that's good. It's just the little things.

I'm doing great in health - haven't been better... Ya know I'm a pretty lucky kid. I haven't been sick with anything of the stomach or anything, knock on wood... haha, it's truly a gift of God. I was studying the other day in D & C, Section 46, I think it is, and Moroni 10, about the gifts of God.... It's amazing how many gifts I have. I'm striving to reach all of them.. and that should be our goal...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

More Pics !!

Check them out -

Pics from Multizona

Pics from Painting at Diego's

Pics from A rooftop

Pics from Landon's birthday

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 20th Birthday Landon !

Landon had a special birthday dinner fixed especially for him by his friend Josê Gabriel Arévalo (Gabo). He had his favorite Papa ala Huancaina, and also, Lomo saltado, which is a dish of marinated steak, vegetables and fried potatoes, usually served over white rice. It is one of the most popular recipes in Peru.

Gabo also got Landon a beautiful Cake.

I am so glad that Landon had a wonderful birthday, with good friends.

Click here to view a video of Landon cutting his cake. Gabo is standing (to Landon's left) and Marco, another friend sits down at the table opposite Landon, and Elder Flores (Landon's companion) is taking the video, and also mugs for the camera.
To view all the birthday pictures, click here.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Waterfall Video

Landon first visited this water fall in May. And you wonder why I worry about him getting too close to the edge !

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Interesting food......

I had an INSTANT MESSAGE session today with Gabo, and he said that the missionaries in Tarapoto are starting to eat their lunches in member's homes. This is new, and just started a few days ago.

He said the Landon was enjoying it, and today had a real treat ! It's called "cau- cau". He said that Landon had previously said that he would NEVER eat THAT Peruvian food, but I guess he had to literally EAT his words today.

Want to see a picture??

Take a guess - what do you think it is? I guessed that the chunks were potatoes, and I was right........but what is the MEAT?................looks kind of "fatty" with a skin or lining of some sort....... It is Cow STOMACH !!

Gabo assures me that it is yummy, and he said the Landon actually enjoyed it very much.
I'm going to be able to feed that boy ANYTHING when he gets home :)


It's crazy.. I was looking back at all my anniversaries. It has been 1 year since I received my call.... This Saturday I will be 20, and have 1 year of endowment (Landon went to the temple for the first time on his birthday last year). I completed 3 years of having my (Patriarchal) blessing, and also this past week was the anniversary of, Joseph Smith's martyrdom. I would encourage you all to think back about the important dates in your life, and reflect on how you're doing since then, on keeping those covenants and just remembering the important things in life. Strive to find the little important things, for example; the family.. strive to have a happy family and to be eternal.... meaning.. GO to the temple and get sealed... It will be the best thing in your life. I love you all and wish you the best.... Love Landon

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Yo tengo un buchisapa (Boo-chee-sawpa)

Last week, Landon's heading on his email said this (see above). He bet that we could NOT translate what it said, and he was right. I put it through a couple of different translators, and no luck. It is actually some jungle "slang", a modified version of Quechua (Ket-chu-wa).

Landon Walker, a former Peru Lima North missionary came in my office a few days ago, and I asked him if HE knew what it said. He translated it immediately - "I have a POT BELLY". I told OUR Landon in this last email, that we knew what it meant, and this is what he had to say:

"I'm getting pretty chubby here in the mission, but it's just the jungle. The food here is heavy, like fried bananas, haha, yes they are good by the way... and just fried everything. But I will lose my gut before I come home, don't worry Kacey hahahahaha."

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sharing the Gospel

"This week has been really good... We contacted a lot of people. Our goal is to contact 10 people everyday..... so that's 70 people every week.. Do the math.. It's a lot of people in 2 years, and we actually contact and talk probably double that every week. It's amazing, the work of the Lord... This week in 6 days, we talked and spread the gospel with 128 people, and you know how many of those are going to get baptized? ONE, if we're lucky. "

"The references of the members are the most important thing in the world, because they know the people, they know what their life is what they're going through, and they can help in the process of their baptism. I want to encourage all of you at home, everyone who reads this email to every week, think of someone who you can share the gospel with.. a non member.. and give their name to the missionaries and assist them in their process of baptism. I know you're thinking wow, everyone I know are members, but it's not like that, you know there are people who aren't.. your neighbors or classmates.. SHARE the gospel please.. it's the most important thing in the world."