Thursday, August 28, 2008

Words of Encouragement and Love

It is so great to hear from my dear fellow missionary in Peru- how great it is to know that we share in this great opportunity of serving the Lord- at the same time!
We have a Peruvian Elder here- and whenever I am with him I think of you- he is sweet and humble, and becoming a great missionary -

Yes, we will have time when we get home to share experiences and continue to grow up together! I am so proud of you for preparing yourself to serve- and I know that you are enjoying your time there.

Let's make our last year the one to remember- I don't want to look back and wish I had done better or worked harder- I want God's stamp of approval on my heart when I leave here- I want to know that I did my best- God bless you Landon- let's work together now, although so far from one another- and do something great for the Lord!
I love you!
President Fisher
Billings Montana Mission
(Landon's former Bishop)

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