Sunday, November 25, 2007

For the December ward newsletter

Landon arrived at the Centro de Capacitación Misional on November 8th. He says that the teachers at the CCM in Peru are really good, and he's learning so much. The North American elders are teaching about 3 times a day to the Latino elders. Landon says the Latinos are very patient with them. The language is a challenge, but teaching so often, helps them to see improvement. Landon and his companion, Elder Woolf from Texas work well together, and they help to keep each other focused. They did not celebrate Thanksgiving in Peru, but Landon says there are a few Christmas lights in the city. He has had the opportunity to go to the Lima, Peru temple, which he said was very small, and very enjoyable. Landon will be at the CCM until approximately December 18th, when he will officially enter the mission "field". Landon always ends his letters with the words, "All is well". He must know that his parents love to hear that.

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