Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No Joke.................... (04/01/09)

Pucallpa is hotter than ever - 38 degrees Celsius. I don't know how much that is in F(ahrenheit), but I know it's a lot.. haha (It's 100.4 degrees - Mom checked)

I left the offices at 93 Kilos, and well, here in Pucallpa it's hot and I walk alot, the food isn't that filling.

I checked my weight when I was back in Lima, and I am now 86 Kilos !!!!!! I lost 7 kilos, that's like 18 pounds in 6 weeks !!!

I can't wait to see what these next 6 weeks do to me. I might be down to the weight I was as I entered the mission - 80 kilos!!! How great is that??

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