We had a good lesson with a lady named Amanda. Her kids are members, and we taught her the first lesson.
We had dinner, and a lesson with Estrella, who was baptized 12/5/08.
We had another lesson with a less active that wants to go on a mission. Juan is 21 years old he has been to church before, and listened to the lessons before, but now he has a baptism date for December 27th, and he is ready to go. I love this work and I’m happy I’m here. I’m learning so much.
We’re teaching this family, Benites. Silvia is a single mom with 3 daughters, Jackie at 17, Karla at 15, and a sweetie, I can’t remember her name, at 4 (years). They are amazing. I love them. Jackie is really into it, reading the Book of Mormon and asking lots of questions. I am going to pray really really hard for them tonight!
We had another good lesson with Xiomara, the niece of Eduardo. We taught about Chastity and Word of Wisdom. Everything was great and she accepted everything. She is ready to go. She wants to get baptized.
We finished the night off with a lesson with the Family Echevarria. Their dad isn’t a member, and their mom died. She was a member, and they are 3 daughters and 2 sons. They are great, really strong in the gospel for being alone and young. We taught two of their friends, Ruth and Jackie. I love teaching, and I can’t wait to pray tonight, to help them from my part.
Well, it’s time to get upstairs and to get ready to go to bed early again to get going with the spirit. I love you all.