"My comp was sick for 2 or 3 days this past week, and we got absolutely nothing done those days. We were cooped up in our room, with him sleeping and me studying everything I could. I liked it for the first little while, getting to rest a little, and study a little more, but man once we got back out teaching I realized what I was missing. I love teaching and going out and about,
tons more than I like being in our room. I get to study a lot everyday. Everyday for an hour I read nothing but the Book of Mormon. I read about 20 pages a day or so, I love it. Alma is my favorite, cuz it's about missionary work and wars haha.
We thought with us being cooped up inside, that we weren't going to meet our goals for the week, but through our
prayers and faith, God answered them. A returned missionary from Arequipa, Peru who lives on our street, and is the son of the bishop of our ward, he companships us. I don't know how to put that correctly in English, sorry. He goes with us and shows us new people that he knows and teaches with us. It's awesome. We finished the week with 26 new investigators and 28 lessons taught with a member, and without those 3 days too ! It was awesome.
The Spanish is coming. It is true, that scripture in D & C, I can't remember where, but it says the Lord will fill your mouth when needed. I was asked to stand and talk to 30 people in our sunday school class. I had no idea what I was going to say, but I actually talked for 5 to 7 minutes. I bore my testimony, and I talked about our family and told a story and everything. I was amazed ! I didn't think I could do it, but the Spanish is coming.
The gift of tongues is real. I understand alot in every conversation, and I know what's going on. I don't catch everything, but I get the gist, and I know how to respond in English, but not in Spanish haha.. Oh well, it will come."