This is information from a missionary who served in the Peru, Lima North Mission from 1998 to 2000:
Wish List: A little photo album that I could show pictures of my family.
Never Used: Iron, Sewing Kit, Rain Coat, Cooking supplies (I didn't need a sewing kit because there was always people who would sew whatever I needed for real cheap)
Preparation: I wished I would have read more of the books from the Missionary Series (Jesus the Christ, Articles of Faith, etc)
Living Conditions: A one room apartment was the norm.
Weather: In the jungle you will experience a lot of flooding due to much rain. The rain coat from home didn't do the job, and it never rained hard enough in Lima to need a raincoat.
Natives: Never tell them how much you make at home or how wealthy you are as an American, always respect their country and customs. Learn about their traditions and respect them.
Problems: Diarrhea, I was able to get a bottle of a drug called Bactrim that really helped to make me feel better when I got diahrrea.
Culture Hints: I really got a Peruvian companion mad when I walked in between him and a guy he was talking to without saying "disculpe". It seems really silly, but it was very important to him. Also when someone "invites" you to eat something it is very important to accept it and eat it all. Always share your goodies with your companions. If you buy a snack, be prepared to share it.
Missionary Secret: My first companion told me "Know why you're really here, and the rest will take care of itself." That was really good advice for me.
Other Advice: You never remember the rejections, but you always treasure those who accept your message